About Greg
Greg is a warm, humble, deeply caring kind of guy that is easy to talk to and feel safe with. He puts his heart and energy into the people he works with. Greg is a master practitioner with confidence in working with a full range of conditions with people from all walks of life.
Greg became a Registered Massage Therapist in 1992 and became certified in Touch for Health. He has since taken many other certificate courses in healing modalities. These include Applied Physiology, Leap Brain Integration Therapy, Stress Indicator Point System, K-Power, Body Management, Jaw Reset, Rhythmic Movement Training for reflex integration, and many others comprising over 90 certificates of training. He is a very passionate and inspirational instructor of Touch for Health and more than 20 other kinesiology modalities.
Greg has spent the last 8 years extensively researching how the body's "assimilation" of nutrients (amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals) as well as water can dramatically affect health conditions. Greg presented highlights of this research at the 40th annual International Kinesiology Conference in Banff, Sept. 2015. Greg has recently produced the instructional 4 DVD set, "Anatomy of Kinesiology Muscle Monitoring". This DVD series is designed to help students and instructors master and refresh their skills in muscle monitoring.
Member of Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC)
Board Member of the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology since 1998
Provincial examiner qualified to instruct over 20 courses in body work therapies.
Key note Speaker at the worlds first International Conference on Ear Candling held in England in 2006